Call for AbstractsCLOSED

Deadline of Extended Abstract submissions  has been extended to 30th July 2023

International Research Symposium 2023 -Faculty of Education (EDIRS)University of Colombo


THEME: Research Excellence to Empower Education” 

The Editorial Committee of the International Research Symposium 2023 of the Faculty of Education University of Colombo  invites academic staff members and undergraduate/postgraduate students of the University of  Colombo to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation at the Technical Sessions of the  International Research Symposium in November 2023. The abstracts should be based on original  research work and, if accepted, should be presented by a staff member or student of the University  of Colombo at the Research Symposiums/Conferences of the respective Faculties and Institutes.  All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings Book of the International Research Symposium 2023, Faculty of Education University of Colombo. Details of the Faculty Research Symposium together with submission instructions are published on the faculty website.  

Common conditions and guidelines for abstracts submitted to the EDIRS 2023: 

  1.  Abstract should not exceed 300 words and be submitted according to the attached template. 
  2.  The author’s declaration form should be signed before the final selection is made.
  3. Extended abstract (inclusive of background, objectives, research design/materials and methods, results/ findings, conclusions) – approximately 1500-2000 words (excluding referencing)

Guidelines for preparation of abstracts are attached. Please follow the instructions carefully. Please  note that abstracts that are not prepared according to the guidelines provided, or are submitted after  the deadline, will not be considered for review. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make  alterations to the text of the abstract in order to improve its quality. 

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30th July 2023 

Please send in your abstracts to the Faculty Representative of the EDIRS Editorial Committee on or  before the deadline. 

Please follow the instructions carefully. Kindly note that abstracts/extended abstracts that are not prepared according to the guidelines provided, or are submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for review. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to suggest alterations to the text of the abstract in order to improve its quality.

Download Author Declaration Form

Download Abstract Template



Chair / Editor in chief

3rd International Research Symposium – 2023

For information

15th May 2023