Postgraduate Diploma in Education (TESL) 2017/2018
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) 2017/2018
Applications will be entertained from Graduate Teachers of Government Private/Assisted Schools, Pirivenas and other Educational Institutes for the above course.
Applicants should possess:
- A Special Degree in English from the University of Colombo or an equivalent Degree or
- A General Degree from the University of Colombo or an equivalent Degree with English as a subject or
- A Degree obtained in the English Medium, from the University of Colombo or an equivalent Degree (all subjects in the English Medium)
Age: Applicants should be below 50 years of age on December 31st 2016.
Course Content: Core areas in the Theory & Practice of Teaching of English as a Second Language
Duration: One year
Course Fee: Rs. 45,000/-
Selection Procedure: Language Proficiency Test and Interview
Applications: Application forms may be obtained in person or by post by producing or sending a self-addressed stamped envelope 22×10 cm in size to the Senior Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Colombo 3 or downloaded from Faculty of Education website, http://edu.cmb.ac.lk.
Completed application forms together with a receipt for Rs. 600/- paid to the University of Colombo Account No. 206150300001 at any branch of the People’s Bank should be sent under registered post to the above address along with a self-addressed stamped envelope (22×10 cm in size) to the value of Rs. 40/-.
Name of the course should be written on the top left hand corner of the envelope.
Applications will be issued on week days from the 06th February 2017 (9.00 am-3.00 pm) at the Department of Humanities Education, Faculty of Education. (New Building -1st floor)
Application Deadline: 06th March 2017.
University of Colombo