Annual Research Symposium – Faculty of Education – 2020
The annual research symposium of the Faculty of Education was held on the 18th of December, 2020 under the theme ‘Education Reforms and Policy Implementation: Trends and Opportunities’ at the auditorium of the new building of the Faculty of Education. The chief guest of the symposium was Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijerathene, the Vice-Cancellor of the University of Colombo. Dr. Upali M Sedere, Secetary to the State Ministry of Education Reforms, Open University and Distance Learning Promotion delivered the keynote speech. The keynote speaker, in his speech, made references to various education policy reforms that took place over the years in Sri Lanka and highlighted the necessity to look for new models of teaching and learning highlighting the fact it would be impossible to reach vistas of prosperity unless the entire education system is revamped. The inaugural session of the annual research symposium which was attended by an audience comprising the registrar of the University, several deans of other Faculties, professors, and the members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Education, was held physically followed by the paper presentation sessions which were conducted using the zoom technology. The paper presentations, which were based on thirty studies related to various aspects of education, were given both in Sinhala and English languages