Postgraduate Diploma in Education (TESL) 2017/2018
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) 2017/2018 Applications will be entertained from Graduate Teachers of Government Private/Assisted Schools, Pirivenas and other Educational Institutes for the above course. Applicants should possess: A Special Degree in English from the University of Colombo or an equivalent Degree or A General Degree from the [...]
Inauguration – 72nd Annual Sessions of SLAAS
Dean Faculty of Education and General President, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) inaugurating the 72nd Annual Sessions of SLAAS on 5 th December 2016 at BMICH. The chief guest of the ceremony was HE Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka.
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Drama and Theatre) 2017/2018
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Drama and Theatre) - Sinhala Medium (Full Time) Course 2017/2018 පශ්චාත් උපාධි අධ්යාපන ඩිප්ලෝමා (නාට්ය හා රංග කලාව) පූර්ණකාලීන පාඨමාලාව - 2017/2018 Duration: 1 year Course Fee: LKR. 45,000.00 Application Deadline: 15-03-2017 More InformationApplication Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Drama and Theatre) - Sinhala Medium (Weekend) Course 2017/2018 පශ්චාත් උපාධි අධ්යාපන ඩිප්ලෝමා [...]