Assumption of duties as the Dean of the Faculty of Education
Dr.L.M.K Bandara assumed duties as the dean of the Faculty of Education with effect from 22nd August 2019.
International Conference on AI + Education in Shenzhen, China
Prof. Manjula Vithanapathirana, Dean, Faculty of Education represented University of Colombo at the International Conference on AI + Education in Shenzhen, China, organized by International a Centre for Higher Education Innovation , UNESCO and Southern University of Technology, China during 23-25 July 2019. She made an invited presentation and participated in a discussion forum in […]
Kick-Off Meeting of CONTESSA
Erasmus+Capacity building in higher education(CBHE) project entitled CONTESSA- Contemporary Teaching Skills for South Asia launched the project in Sr Lanka on 19th July 2019 at the Open University of Sri Lanka.