Technical Guidelines for Preparing PPT and Recorded Video Presentation

Dear Scholar,

You are advised to be prepared to deliver your presentation for the allocated 15 minutes. You are advised that your presentation must be emailed to by the 10th of November 2024. Your recorded ppt presentation must be sent with your name and the IRSFOE number.

For international presenters

You are advised that your presentation must be pre-recorded and emailed to by the 10th of November, 2024, as it will be used in the case of a technical issue. Your recorded Video presentation must be sent with your name and the IRSFOE number. You are advised to be prepared to deliver your presentation for the allocated 15 minutes. You are advised that your presentation must be emailed to by the 10th of November 2024


Your presentation slides must be limited to 8 to 10 and must include the following:

1). Main Format

Your PPT presentation should include the following components

  • Introduction/Overview
  • Research Questions & main objectives
  • Literature Review (Briefly)
  • Methodology
  • Analysis
  • Discussion of Results
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations

2). General guidelines for preparing of PPT

2.1 Text

Your title slide must consist of your name, your present affiliation and the title of the presentation.

  • Include a heading where possible, / subheading for each slide
  • Use bulleted points and avoid including long sentences (it is often suggested that you include no more than 6 lines per slide or 6 words per line)
  • Font size: 30 – 48 points for titles, 24 – 28 for text
  • Avoid all capital letters
  • Proofread carefully for spelling and grammar


2.2) Figures and Images

  • Make sure images are clear and relevant
  • Label all figures and tables
  • Put units beside numbers on graphs and charts
  • Use vertical and horizontal guide markers to consistently align elements


2.3) General Design Principles

  • Avoid too many colours, clutter or fancy visual effects
  • Use high contrast to ensure visibility: e.g. Black text on a white background or black on light blue
  • Maintain consistency of the same elements on a slide (colours, fonts, styles, placement etc.).

3) Technical guidelines for video presentation

  • Presentation format: 16:9
  • File type: mp4 (H.264)
  • Duration: 15 Minutes
  • File Size: 200 MB (Maximum)
  • Audio: Use headset mic or hands-free mic
  • Should be appearing presenter in the top of the right side.