THEME: “Building a Sustainable Future through Impactful Educational Research.”

The Editorial Committee of the 2024 International Research Symposium at the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, is inviting academic staff members and undergraduate/postgraduate students at the University of Colombo to submit original research abstracts for possible presentation at the Technical Sessions of the Symposium in November 2024. If accepted, the abstracts should be presented by a staff member or student at the University of Colombo during the respective Faculties and Institutes’ Research Symposiums/Conferences. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings Book of the 2024 International Research Symposium at the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo. Please visit the faculty’s website for details about the Faculty Research Symposium and submission guidelines.

Common conditions and guidelines for abstracts submitted to the EDIRS 2024:

Please keep in mind the following information:

Please ensure the abstract does not exceed 300 words and is submitted using the provided template. The author’s declaration form must be signed before the final selection process.

The extended abstract, comprising background, objectives, research design/materials, methods, results/findings, and conclusions, should be 1500-2000 words, excluding references.

Enclosed are the guidelines for abstract preparation. It is imperative to adhere to the provided instructions. It is important to note that abstracts not prepared in accordance with the guidelines or submitted after the deadline will not be considered for review. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to change the abstract text to enhance its quality.

Deadline for submission of abstracts and extended abstract: 30th June 2024

Please submit your abstracts to the Faculty Representative of the EDIRS Editorial Committee by the specified deadline.

Please follow the instructions carefully. Kindly note that abstracts/extended abstracts that are not prepared according to the guidelines provided or are submitted after the deadline will not be considered for review. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to suggest alterations to the text of the abstract to improve its quality.


Download the Author Declaration Form( Recommended browsers to download – Mozilla firefox or Microsoft edge)

Download Abstract Template(Recommended browser to download- Mozilla firefox or Microsoft edge)


Dr. Lanka Wedikandage

Chair / Editor in chief

4th International Research Symposium – 2024

For information:

27th May 2024