Instructions to the oral Presenter

  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that aligns with the time allotted (usually 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A).
  • Design your slides to be clear and concise, avoiding overcrowding with text.
  • Include a title slide with the presentation title, your name, and affiliation.
  • Structure your presentation logically with an introduction, main content, and conclusion.
  • Use high-quality images, graphs, and charts to support your points.

Instructions to the online presenter

  • The program and the relevant Zoom links will be sent to all the participants via mail.
  • All the presenters should be in the virtual room of the panel, 10 minutes before the commencement of the session.
  • Upon logging into the virtual room, rename your name with the EDIRS number(e.g. EDIRS 00)
  • Please make sure that your mic is muted during the sessions of inauguration, presentation and event closure.
  • During the Q&A session, the video of the presenter should be switched on.
  • For any technical or any other assistance with regard to your presentation, please contact the Panel Convener in the panel you are presenting. The names of the panel convener and technical officers are mentioned in the “EDIRS-Panel arrangement” document.


  • Please refer to guidelines for PPT and video recordings for IRS 2024 for further information