Abstracts submission are closed

    Theme: “Interdisciplinary Research in Education”

    Date of the Symposium: 26th November 2021

    Time: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

    Mode of the Symposium: Online

    The official Language of the Symposium: English

    Keynote Speakers

    • Professor. Rudolf Egger, Professor of Empirical Learning World Research & Higher Education Didactics, Dean, Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences, Competence Centre for Higher Education, University of Graz, Austria
    • Dr. Dujeepa Samarasekera, Senior Director, Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning (CDTL), Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), National University of Singapore, (NUS)

    Important Dates

    Deadline for Abstract & extended abstract submission 05th September 2021
    Notification of the abstract acceptance 10th October 2021
    Deadline for the final submission of abstract & extended abstracts 20th October 2021
    Deadline for Early-Bird Registration 25th October 2021
    Deadline for Regular Registration 05th November 2021

    Research Symposium Fees

    Local Presenters

    Early-Bird Registration Fee:       Rs. 2000

    Regular Registration Fee:           Rs, 2500

    Foreign Presenters

    Early-Bird Registration Fee:      USD 30

    Regular Registration Fee:          USD 35

    Conference fee include   – Proceeding book and the certificate


    For information and paper submission: irs@edu.cmb.ac.lk


    Dr. L.M. Kapila Bandara, Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Conference Chair:  Dr. H.M.Lalitha Kumari, Senior lecturer, Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Co-Chair:  Dr. Sulochana Neranjani, Senior lecturer, Department of Humanities in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Secretary: Ms. H.M.J.C. Herath, Lecturer, Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

    Advisory Committee

    Dr. L.M.K. Bandara                                  Dean, Faculty of Education
    Professor. Manjula Vithanapathirana          Former Dean, Faculty of Education
    Professor. Chandradasa Wannigama            Former Dean Faculty of Education
    Professor. Arosha S. Adikaram,                Head, Department of Human Resource Management
    Senior Professor Lalitha S. Fernado          Department of Public Administration,
    Professor Iresha Lakshman                     Department of Sociology
    Senior Professor Devaka K Weerakoon         Department of Zoology and Environment sciences

    Editorial Committee

    Dr. H.M.Lalitha Kumari – Editor in Chief
    Dr. Kapila Bandara
    Professor Manjula Vithanapathirana
    Professor. Chandradasa Wannigama
    Dr. Sulochana Neranjani
    Dr. Lakshman Wedikkarage
    Dr. Kumudu Senevirathna
    Dr. Samudra Senarath
    Ms. Jeevani Herath
    Ms.  R.D.C. Niroshinie

    International Research Symposium (IRS)

    Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

    THEME:Interdisciplinary Research in Education”

    The Editorial Committee of the International Research Symposium of the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka invites academics and researchers to submit their abstracts with full papers to be considered for the presentation online at the technical sessions of the International Research Symposium (IRS) of Faculty of Education of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka on the 26th November 2021. Themes of the symposium include but are not limited;

    Teacher Education  
    Educational Leadership and Management
    Lifelong Education
    Blended and Online Learning
    Language Education
    Gender Education
    STEM Education
    General and higher   Education
    Educational Psychology
    Aesthetic Education
    Educational Assessment

    Indexing or supporting system

    1. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings Book of the International Research Symposium (IRS), Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
    1. The proceedings will be published with ISSN numbers
    2. Authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers to be considered for publication in the “International Journal of Education”; an international peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    Deadline for submission of abstracts:                                                    05th September 2021
    Notification of the abstract acceptance:                                                10th October 2021
    Deadline for the final submission of abstracts & extended abstracts:  20th October 2021
    Deadline for Early Bird registration:                                                     25th October 2021
    Deadline for regular registration:                                                           05th November 2021

    To be considered for evaluation, each submission should include the following documents;

    1. Abstract – not exceeding 300 words
    2. Extended abstract (inclusive of background, objectives, research design/materials and methods, results/ findings, conclusions) – approximately 1500-2000 words (excluding referencing)


    The author’s declaration form, guidelines for preparation of abstracts, and extended abstracts are attached herewith. Please follow the instructions carefully. Kindly note that abstracts/extended abstracts that are not prepared according to the guidelines provided, or are submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for review. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to suggest alterations to the text of the abstract in order to improve its quality.


    Dr. H.M. Lalitha Kumari

    Chair/ Editor in Chief

    International Research Symposium (IRS)


    For information: irs@edu.cmb.ac.lk

    International Research Symposium (IRS)

    Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

    THEME:Interdisciplinary Research in Education”

    1] Guidelines for preparation of abstracts and extended abstracts (Abstracts should be submitted with the extended abstract) 

    i) The abstract/s must report original research.

    ii) An author may submit one abstract as single-author and one abstract as co-author OR no more than four abstracts as co-author.

    iii) The title should be brief and explain the study reported. Capital letters should be used only for the first letter in the first word of the title and proper nouns.

    iv) The author/s name/s and addresses –


     Capital letters should be used only for the initials and the first letters of the surname/s of author/s.

     The address of the Institution in which the work was carried out should be included under the author/s name/s.

     If the collaborators are from different Institutions, the addresses of the Institutions should be included in brief. In this case, the addresses of the co-author/s should be indicated by a number in superscript after the authors’ names and before the respective addresses (as shown below).

    Example (multiple authors):

    S. Samantha1, K. Fernando1, R. Peris2

    1 Department of Social Science Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

                     2 Departments of Humanities Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

    v)Abstract – not exceeding 300 words

    vi)Extended abstract (inclusive of background, objectives, research design/materials and methods, results/ findings, conclusions) – approximately 1500-2000 words (excluding referencing)

    vii) Standard abbreviations of SI units should be used.

    viii) The abstract/s should be coherent and free of language errors.

    ix) Two copies of the abstract/s should be submitted electronically on separate pages of a single Word document. The first copy should contain name/s of author/s and institutional affiliations. The second copy should carry only the title and the text and should not contain name/s of author/s and place/s where the research has been carried out.

    x) A maximum of five keywords should be provided.

    xi) Acknowledgements should be restricted to the names of funding agencies providing sponsorship

    xii) Use font “Times New Roman” (English) size 12 with 1.5 spacing on A4 paper with one inch margins of each side of the page.

    xii) Use 7th edition of the APA format for citations.

    2] Guidelines for preparation of full paper (should be submitted with each abstract) 

    i) The text should not exceed 3000-5000 words (excluding references).

    ii) The full paper should cover the following aspects: Background, Objectives, Research Design/Materials and Methods, Results/ Findings, Conclusions and suggestions, and References.

    iii) The full paper should be coherent and free of language errors.

    iv) Two copies of the full paper should be submitted electronically on a single Word document. The first copy should contain name/s of authors and institutional affiliation/s. The second copy should not contain name/s of author/s and place/s where the research has been carried out as given in the above example.

    v) Tables and diagrams can be included and should be referred to in text as Table 1. or Fig. 1.

    v) References should be limited to only essential ones.

    vi) Use font “Times New Roman” (English) size 12 with 1.5 spacing on A4 paper with one inch margins of each side of the page.

    3] Declaration by the authors

    (i) The annexed declaration form must be signed and returned by the Corresponding Author via email (scanned copy) along with each abstract and full paper submitted.

    (ii) All correspondence will be addressed to the Corresponding Author. If the Corresponding Author is a student, it is mandatory that the declaration form should be signed by the supervising author/s.

    (iii) In the event that the presenter indicated in the application is unable to present the paper, it is the responsibility of the Corresponding Author either to withdraw the paper in advance or arrange one of the Co-Authors to present the paper.


    Declaration – Form       Download

    Abstract – Template     Download
