Our resource persons are academics from the four departments of the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, other Universities such as Open University, Peradeniya, Jaffna and Eastern University of Sri Lanka and institutions such as National Institute of Education, Ministry of Education and Department of Examinations.


Resource persons from the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo.

Department of Social Science Education


Dr. A.A. Jayawardena
Dr. A. Hettige
Dr. L.K.P. Wedikkarage
Mr. C. Kasturi Arachchi
Mr. S. Galagamage
Ms. H.M.L. Kumari
Ms. J. Herath
Ms. L.N.P. Wedikandage


Department of Science and Technology Education


Mr. N.V. Karunasena

Mr. W.M. Pragnadarshana
Ms. D.V.K.P. Seneviratne
Mr. P.K.J.E. Nonis


Department of Educational Psychology


Prof. W. Chandradasa

Prof. R. Abeypala
Prof. M. Vithanapathirana
Dr. P.G.R.S.K. Senerath
Ms. R.C.D. Niroshini
Ms. Y. Shakthivel
Mr. I.G.C. Chandrakumara
Ms. E. Randeniya


Department of Humanities Education


Mr. D.R. Athukorala
Prof. M.E.S.  Perera
Mr. L.M.K. Bandara
Ms. S. Rajendram
Mr. S.S. Dahanayake
Ms. E.S. Neranjani